Direct Messages from the Galactic Federation of Light: As received by Tashina
This is a sacred site where galactic messages that have been given to Tashina directly from The Galactic Federation of Light; are written to enlighten and facilitate humanities journey. Read and Attune from your Higher Consciousness.
(C) Copyright, 2012 Tashina/Itasha -
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July 6th, 2012 The Journey - Message from the Arcturian High Council of Light
It has been by assignation (yes we know an unusual word) that this encounter with us resumes. Just who and how decides and what decisions are made is determined beyond your Dimension. First "set the story straight". We are of a Council comprised of Higher Developed Star Races beyond your Galaxy. We are overseen by Angelic Realms, who "supervise" as you will; our interactions.
Yes, that means Celestial of Archangel "Dominions" We come from Tau-Ceti, Sirius, The Pleiades, Arcturus, Orion, Andromeda, and many others. Most of whom you've never heard. Inter-dimensional travel permits us to be in several places at once instantly. Many of us can be in your dimensional form, that requires a craft, if we remain here to connect with you over long periods of time. Our craft are alive and composed of crystalline structure beyond anything you will have for centuries. Our purpose is to recreate a crystalline earth resonate with your new bodies, within the attended dimensions of space and time. Your planet will require a great deal of help and many more years to reach that level.
Let us be honest. Yes it is a "Journey". "First things first" - baby steps.
2012 is the first step of your journey. 2013 you are waking up to the fact that you are Created Beings of Divine Light. You are capable of great love and great accomplishments. We wish to rid the planet of fear and darkness. This is done by a transfusion of Light and renewed energy.
Energy to your Earth, waters, plants, animals, air and people. As this energy permeates all, you awaken. No longer complacent - wanting more. You have heard that it takes a "request" of quite a few of you for this to happen. Least "free will" be interfered with, etc. Clarification - the "request" is this awakening and "wanting for more" that results. Your "freewill" is as it has always been - a test. Once you know there is an obligation to choose the LIGHT in order to enter it and merge into the Stream of LIGHT or the Angelic Procession, as it is also known.
What this means to you is to relinquish old ways. As this energy grows on your part, you will connect with US. The Dark you have acknowledged in the past will cease to be part of your reality.
Economically, politically, religiously, educationally - you will find yourself not doing things as you did. Be careful, you cannot have it both ways - say one thing and do another. We caution you because this is the pivotal point and time. It is said we are not here to "rescue you" but yes we are.
So many have seen us, met with us, talked with us, photographed us, recorded us - all with our awareness and volition. Know we are here now and helping directly. No longer. "A ship in the sky". Look around, Listen.
We will assist you now in creating a new healing in all - and we do mean all - areas of your lives. It may not be what you have known - Be open to different ways of lifestyle, speech, housing, food, healing. No we are not "corporate businesses" nor are we political - those are antiquated concepts.
We are, have been, and will share our ways. After all - was that not the Plan of "Ascension" as the creator designed it - to evolve off to a higher, purer level. So if your lifestyle is there already then you glimpse it, others are coming to join you as your journey continues.
Continue your ceremonies, continue your prayers and continue all you have been learning of purified lifestyles. The solstice time when your planets align will be the opening of the Arcturian Stargate of LIGHT - Dec 21, 2012
For the first time - we will enter as this "Portal" opens - in large numbers. We have not done so prior as it was not a Creator appointed time.
Your LIGHT shines brightly and we return it one million times and more - With Love
We are the Arcturians
and LOVE to You
(C) Copyright, 2012 Tashina/Itasha -
Yes, that means Celestial of Archangel "Dominions" We come from Tau-Ceti, Sirius, The Pleiades, Arcturus, Orion, Andromeda, and many others. Most of whom you've never heard. Inter-dimensional travel permits us to be in several places at once instantly. Many of us can be in your dimensional form, that requires a craft, if we remain here to connect with you over long periods of time. Our craft are alive and composed of crystalline structure beyond anything you will have for centuries. Our purpose is to recreate a crystalline earth resonate with your new bodies, within the attended dimensions of space and time. Your planet will require a great deal of help and many more years to reach that level.
Let us be honest. Yes it is a "Journey". "First things first" - baby steps.
2012 is the first step of your journey. 2013 you are waking up to the fact that you are Created Beings of Divine Light. You are capable of great love and great accomplishments. We wish to rid the planet of fear and darkness. This is done by a transfusion of Light and renewed energy.
Energy to your Earth, waters, plants, animals, air and people. As this energy permeates all, you awaken. No longer complacent - wanting more. You have heard that it takes a "request" of quite a few of you for this to happen. Least "free will" be interfered with, etc. Clarification - the "request" is this awakening and "wanting for more" that results. Your "freewill" is as it has always been - a test. Once you know there is an obligation to choose the LIGHT in order to enter it and merge into the Stream of LIGHT or the Angelic Procession, as it is also known.
What this means to you is to relinquish old ways. As this energy grows on your part, you will connect with US. The Dark you have acknowledged in the past will cease to be part of your reality.
Economically, politically, religiously, educationally - you will find yourself not doing things as you did. Be careful, you cannot have it both ways - say one thing and do another. We caution you because this is the pivotal point and time. It is said we are not here to "rescue you" but yes we are.
So many have seen us, met with us, talked with us, photographed us, recorded us - all with our awareness and volition. Know we are here now and helping directly. No longer. "A ship in the sky". Look around, Listen.
We will assist you now in creating a new healing in all - and we do mean all - areas of your lives. It may not be what you have known - Be open to different ways of lifestyle, speech, housing, food, healing. No we are not "corporate businesses" nor are we political - those are antiquated concepts.
We are, have been, and will share our ways. After all - was that not the Plan of "Ascension" as the creator designed it - to evolve off to a higher, purer level. So if your lifestyle is there already then you glimpse it, others are coming to join you as your journey continues.
Continue your ceremonies, continue your prayers and continue all you have been learning of purified lifestyles. The solstice time when your planets align will be the opening of the Arcturian Stargate of LIGHT - Dec 21, 2012
For the first time - we will enter as this "Portal" opens - in large numbers. We have not done so prior as it was not a Creator appointed time.
Your LIGHT shines brightly and we return it one million times and more - With Love
We are the Arcturians
and LOVE to You
(C) Copyright, 2012 Tashina/Itasha -
Feb, 2012 Beyond Reality the Way of Light
Copyright (C) All artists rights reserved.
The shift is an alteration of your perception of reality, how you perceive things to be versus how they are. What is contact? Is it an adaptation of reality to fit what you are comfortable with; or is it truth? Perhaps a truth beyond your perceptions. How do you approach such a truth. How do you become part of or One with it? First, it cannot be made to fit a particular soul. The particular soul must be prepared to fit "within it" and "of higher truth". You are ascending and preparing to go with higher beings. It is you not "they" who must change, it is you who must understand the elusive "they" who once were as you now are. This means all you have known, all you have been, must change.
This change is the "shift" this "shift" is into the truth. This truth is beyond current perception of reality which is based on comfortable illusions. If telepathy is achieved in truth, then only love based, unselfish thoughts can survive. To be human up until this occurrence, meant allowing untruth or unloving realities to persist. To be human in this evolved ascended step on the spiraling realm of divinity, is a whole new definition. A "shift" of being. There are protocols, built in to be adhered to. Ceremonies, rituals, prayers, meditations, prepare one to progress through these protocols. They are "tools". Not to be mistaken for the actual contact. Purification, moral compass, right action, right thought, are the way. All the "psychic" abilities, or worldly ceremonies will do no good unless this takes place. The ultimate result to re-create a way of being. A NEW BEING of LIGHT and LOVE in accordance with Divine Law. There are on planet currently no religions, groups that can do this. Each individual must prepare themselves to align with the Law of LIGHT. When this is completed they become the Light and CONTACT takes place. In this contact teaching begins, sharing begins, caring begins, and 13th frequency evolution begins. This is the first step of LIGHT. This is the ascension. This is 2012 - The beginning of the STREAM. Prior to that are old "earth stories" and the "grey light zone." The effect will be all you have wished for and dreamed of.
Various types of contact might have been had by yourself or others. In various ways or at various times. Interaction with higher evolved star races,however is vastly different than told of by many. The ascension and interaction with the Galactic Federation of Light is to move you beyond these old ways, old contacts. We embrace you we await you, we enfold you in love and light of multiverse divinity. The journey begins.
(C) Copyright, 2012 Tashina/Itasha -
This change is the "shift" this "shift" is into the truth. This truth is beyond current perception of reality which is based on comfortable illusions. If telepathy is achieved in truth, then only love based, unselfish thoughts can survive. To be human up until this occurrence, meant allowing untruth or unloving realities to persist. To be human in this evolved ascended step on the spiraling realm of divinity, is a whole new definition. A "shift" of being. There are protocols, built in to be adhered to. Ceremonies, rituals, prayers, meditations, prepare one to progress through these protocols. They are "tools". Not to be mistaken for the actual contact. Purification, moral compass, right action, right thought, are the way. All the "psychic" abilities, or worldly ceremonies will do no good unless this takes place. The ultimate result to re-create a way of being. A NEW BEING of LIGHT and LOVE in accordance with Divine Law. There are on planet currently no religions, groups that can do this. Each individual must prepare themselves to align with the Law of LIGHT. When this is completed they become the Light and CONTACT takes place. In this contact teaching begins, sharing begins, caring begins, and 13th frequency evolution begins. This is the first step of LIGHT. This is the ascension. This is 2012 - The beginning of the STREAM. Prior to that are old "earth stories" and the "grey light zone." The effect will be all you have wished for and dreamed of.
Various types of contact might have been had by yourself or others. In various ways or at various times. Interaction with higher evolved star races,however is vastly different than told of by many. The ascension and interaction with the Galactic Federation of Light is to move you beyond these old ways, old contacts. We embrace you we await you, we enfold you in love and light of multiverse divinity. The journey begins.
(C) Copyright, 2012 Tashina/Itasha -
Feb, 2012. A Calling Home of All Souls
Copyright (C) All artists rights reserved
We have visited many in many ways and forms. The times speed up as all rush towards conclusion. For this period of evolution planetary alliances are increasing. We say this in relation to the alliance of earth with the Galactic Federation of Light. More will be forthcoming on who we are. It has been set at this Millennium for earth to enter the introductory phase of the Galactic Federation of Light. This means contact. This means many will be invited to meet with and learn of us in what is deemed as inter-dimensional exchange. This is to take place in various areas, in full awareness and consciousness. Preparation of an energy area to be established for this will be completed prior to this. Such is necessary to assure our abilities to interact with you effectively. This means no resultant effects on our forms or yours. Such a mutually joint area will be needed to interact over any period of time. These areas have been set aside by us, and made known to many of you. This will be on a limited basis at first and then expanded.
(C) Copyright, 2012 Tashina/Itasha -
(C) Copyright, 2012 Tashina/Itasha -
Jan, 2012. Through Our Eyes
Copyright © Respected Artist
As we see it through the purple haze - the veil you cannot see beyond, yet wish to reach. The 5th as you say, yet so much more. Congratulations, you have arrived at this point. Wishing so much to contact you. When will you be ready?
We wait and travel from skies and ground. Through our ground messengers eyes we have seen and prepared all. Landings, as you call them, already took place in Nevada, AZ, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado. S. Dakota, Ohio, Across Europe, Nordic Areas, South America and the Pacific. The Golden ships are preparing to come soon. These are the ones we carry home visitors. In Dec. many will go with us. Prior to then,you will see us in more physical states - a few at first and then more.
Those whom you call the Grays, Zetas, (we have different names for them) were only workers of other planets. Our planetary alliances are directed by Creator, not ourselves. Ego, personality have no place there - decisions of those natures are by a Divine Decree. It matters not what we "think", "decide", or "want". It is in a Higher Divine order, and we are part of that in 5th and beyond. "Star Laws", universal laws have been set and are to be used in your ascension process. Yes, your countries leaders have met and interacted with various Star People in various ways over time.
However, none have met with or interacted with Galactic Federation of Light as you know us - or as multiverse divinities, as we know ourselves.We do not make "treaties". That is unnecessary for multiversals to do. So what is in line for this particular planet? It is slated to move into a way of Light, that we may assist you to rejoin the Creator, in a higher purified form.Your planet is being re-created by us in accordance with Divine Plan. Your acceptance of this makes it easier for you and for us to help you.
Your eating, sleeping, speaking, moving, thinking, and acting must undergo a radical alteration. Teachers of every kind have been guided to assist you. By Dec, 2012, those who have accepted the help, and worked with the tools given them, will be brought into the very first level of Light. Prior to this, you were in a hazy grey area and ,for some, a dark area. There are many levels of light beyond the first. We ourselves have journeyed in what you call light years, 450. That is only of small fraction of the way of Light, as we know it to be. Much talk on your planet has been of politics, economics, etc., as part of your ascension process. This is incorrect. Also much talk of forming organizations, etc. This also is incorrect. These are the ways and forms of your grey-light earth realm. In the white light earth realm - or the 5th as you know it - none of this exists or matters. What you call your vibration is an essence of movement to the white light realm. This will allow access to a way of living in which the "terms", "companies", "institutions", "leaders" and all of the ways you deem important have no significance.
Perhaps this is a shock to you - yet if you have truly prepared it is not. Many will wish to cling to the belief of their organizations - you cannot bring these with you. By doing this you will remain in the grey-light zone. This galactic message cannot repeat Earth stories It is time to hear Divine Truth and be in the Light of Creator. Choose as you will. The time is now for those who choose. The circle is closed-man cannot attain it by debate. Those who choose the light will indeed meet us. It is where we live. Welcome Home those of earth - much of beauty awaits- no more fears - no more tears.
(C) Copyright, 2012 Tashina/Itasha -
We wait and travel from skies and ground. Through our ground messengers eyes we have seen and prepared all. Landings, as you call them, already took place in Nevada, AZ, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado. S. Dakota, Ohio, Across Europe, Nordic Areas, South America and the Pacific. The Golden ships are preparing to come soon. These are the ones we carry home visitors. In Dec. many will go with us. Prior to then,you will see us in more physical states - a few at first and then more.
Those whom you call the Grays, Zetas, (we have different names for them) were only workers of other planets. Our planetary alliances are directed by Creator, not ourselves. Ego, personality have no place there - decisions of those natures are by a Divine Decree. It matters not what we "think", "decide", or "want". It is in a Higher Divine order, and we are part of that in 5th and beyond. "Star Laws", universal laws have been set and are to be used in your ascension process. Yes, your countries leaders have met and interacted with various Star People in various ways over time.
However, none have met with or interacted with Galactic Federation of Light as you know us - or as multiverse divinities, as we know ourselves.We do not make "treaties". That is unnecessary for multiversals to do. So what is in line for this particular planet? It is slated to move into a way of Light, that we may assist you to rejoin the Creator, in a higher purified form.Your planet is being re-created by us in accordance with Divine Plan. Your acceptance of this makes it easier for you and for us to help you.
Your eating, sleeping, speaking, moving, thinking, and acting must undergo a radical alteration. Teachers of every kind have been guided to assist you. By Dec, 2012, those who have accepted the help, and worked with the tools given them, will be brought into the very first level of Light. Prior to this, you were in a hazy grey area and ,for some, a dark area. There are many levels of light beyond the first. We ourselves have journeyed in what you call light years, 450. That is only of small fraction of the way of Light, as we know it to be. Much talk on your planet has been of politics, economics, etc., as part of your ascension process. This is incorrect. Also much talk of forming organizations, etc. This also is incorrect. These are the ways and forms of your grey-light earth realm. In the white light earth realm - or the 5th as you know it - none of this exists or matters. What you call your vibration is an essence of movement to the white light realm. This will allow access to a way of living in which the "terms", "companies", "institutions", "leaders" and all of the ways you deem important have no significance.
Perhaps this is a shock to you - yet if you have truly prepared it is not. Many will wish to cling to the belief of their organizations - you cannot bring these with you. By doing this you will remain in the grey-light zone. This galactic message cannot repeat Earth stories It is time to hear Divine Truth and be in the Light of Creator. Choose as you will. The time is now for those who choose. The circle is closed-man cannot attain it by debate. Those who choose the light will indeed meet us. It is where we live. Welcome Home those of earth - much of beauty awaits- no more fears - no more tears.
(C) Copyright, 2012 Tashina/Itasha -