All of Itasha/Tashinas' works (including readings, healing sessions, writings, copies of readings, purchased materials and all other forms of her works) are under copyright protection and may not be redistributed or sold in any form without her explicit, written consent. Furthermore, every utterance or word from Itasha/Tashina is, and has been copyrighted, and remains so. Therefore, any thing uttered, etc. is the explicit property of Itasha/Tashina. Any use of ideas or words, can only be used legally, and ethically, with the explicit written permission of Itasha/Tashina, in full review, in advance of use by anyone.
The Galactic Medicine Wheel (R)tm Copyright 2000 belongs to and was designed by Itasha/Tashina of Windstar Holistic Center LLC All rights reserved. The wheel's design and intellectual property belongs to that of Itasha/Tashina. The specific design is copyrighted to Windstar Holistic Center.
Donations are always welcome.
No money will be taken until after service is rendered.
Please do not send money until you have confirmed with Itasha the service time, date, etc, and the service has been completed. All payments are expected to be sent within a timely manner; within two weeks. (Check, Money order, paypal etc. Are all accepted.)
I understand that many wish to share my works and the messages I have received via the Galactic Federation of Light.
I embrace these wishes, and wish to share what I know and have learned with the world. I do not however wish to be plagiarized, and/or have my works taken under others names.
If you do use something from my site; please, please, PLEASE. Remember to put my name under it, as well as a link back to my site. . So that others may know where you're obtaining these writings from.
Thank you for being truthful.
Copyright © 2012 by Itasha - Tashina
The Galactic Medicine Wheel (R)tm Copyright 2000 belongs to and was designed by Itasha/Tashina of Windstar Holistic Center LLC All rights reserved. The wheel's design and intellectual property belongs to that of Itasha/Tashina. The specific design is copyrighted to Windstar Holistic Center.
Donations are always welcome.
No money will be taken until after service is rendered.
Please do not send money until you have confirmed with Itasha the service time, date, etc, and the service has been completed. All payments are expected to be sent within a timely manner; within two weeks. (Check, Money order, paypal etc. Are all accepted.)
I understand that many wish to share my works and the messages I have received via the Galactic Federation of Light.
I embrace these wishes, and wish to share what I know and have learned with the world. I do not however wish to be plagiarized, and/or have my works taken under others names.
If you do use something from my site; please, please, PLEASE. Remember to put my name under it, as well as a link back to my site. . So that others may know where you're obtaining these writings from.
Thank you for being truthful.
Copyright © 2012 by Itasha - Tashina